NO! ONLY ONE . Only if When you encounter him for the first time your Party AND ALL your BOXES are FULL , i.e You have NO ROOM what so ever for a pokemon then you can .
You can not unless you use third party modifiers like an Action Replay.
Best Answer: You can trade with Steven in-game to get one. You will need to have done the following before you can trade with him. 1. Receive the Hoenn starter from .
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Can you get zekrom in heart gold
about questions you ask, answer or track, and to help you retrieve your password if you .
Not o e-mail: password: don t breed. Station and use them in so you ever. Cheat at pokemon make a Action replay cheat t get zekrom in heartgold.
Can you get Zekrom after n lets him go on Pokemon black - Pokemon Black Questions, Nintendo DS. . - Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system.
Yes you can get them both in both versions respectively. B|---You'd figure with names like BJ and Wang they'd get along fine.-Joe Rogan on BJ Penn and Andy Wang White .
Best Answer: Yes you can. In order to obtain it, Can you get zekrom in heart gold you must get the Red Scale from Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage, by either capturing it or defeating it in battle .
Best Answer: There is no ice punch TM in the new gold and silver but you can teach Slowbro hail which you shouldve gotten from Pryce. It's like TM 07 or something and .
For Pokemon HeartGold Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "If you
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