This is a page that lists advantages and disadvantages with CRT, LCD, Plasma and OLED. High dynamic range (up to around 15,000:1), excellent color, wide gamut and low .
Display Devices > Display Calibration . I was wondering how the 3 display types compare in this comparison after ISF . I think some LCDs
can go up to 200 ftl .
A good CRT should last ~10yrs, but will slowly get a little more out of focus and flickery right from day one. An LCD should stay sharp and clear indefinitely, but .
Panasonic TX-R32LX85: zjankee: Thick panel, good colors
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and viewing angles, simple controls, works fine with my computer over HDMI connector.
2109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 2109876543210987654321098765432121098765432109876543210987654321 .
Display Devices > Flat Panel General & New FP Tech . I'm going to buy a new HDTV in the next months, and I was initially oriented to . Plasma is still top dog .
Shop for Monitors - CRT Monitors, Computer Monitors, LCD Monitors & Plasma Displays
LCD Monitor vs CRT Measurements - What You Should Know Before You Buy. By Dan Dunkin
Best Answer: Definitely crt screen.. . CRT screens computer crt lcd vs plasma are the worst If you were to ask your own parents they would tell you to stop watching so much tv in the first .
While LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors have come to dominate the desktop, CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes) are not a dying breed quite yet. They take up a lot of desk .
I'm looking at getting a new monitor for gaming and I'm not sure if its better to go with a plasma monitor or a LCD. A lot of people seem to use LCDs for computer .
Plasma? Who needs it? By Jim Bray. Plasma displays may be better, more affordable, and more popular than ever but are
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